Knowledge of Life One
by Sections Only
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1. MEDITATION (20 pages)
2. GNOSTICS (17 pages)
3. GNOSTIC SYMBOLS (15 pages)
4. DISCIPLESHIP (47 pages)
7. EDUCATION (30 pages)
9. THE LAW (99 pages)
Knowledge of Life One
1.1 Control of Consciousness
1.2 Results of Deficient Control of Consciousness
1.3 The Three Steps of Consciousness Control
1.4 The Importance of Attention
1.5 The Unconscious
1.6 The Telepathy of the Unconscious
1.7 What Meditation Is
1.8 The Purposes of Meditation
1.9 Meditation Is Production of Energy
1.10 The Activation of Mental Consciousness
1.11 Prayer in the Accepted Sense
1.12 Prayer in the True Sense
1.13 Esoteric Prayer
1.14 The Power of Thought
1.15 Subjects of Meditation
1.16 The Art of Living
1.17 Qualities and Abilities
1.18 Meditate Every Day!
1.19 Live in Meditation!
1.20 Risks of Meditation
1.21 Esoteric Meditation: General
1.22 Purposes of Esoteric Meditation
1.23 Contact, Impression, Relationship
1.24 The Great Invocation
2.1 The Background
2.2 The Gnostic Secret Order of Knowledge
2.3 Gnostics The One True Religion
2.4 From the History of the Jews
2.5 The Life of Jeshu
2.6 Maitreya
2.7 Maitreyas Message
2.8 The Birth of Christianity
2.9 The Mistake of the Gospel Authors
2.10 Paul the Gnostician
2.11 Expressions in the Epistles of Paul
2.12 "The Original Christian Church"
2.13 The Distortion of Christos Teaching
2.14 The Return of Christos
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Symbolic Import of the Gospels
3.3 The Five Stages
3.4 The Symbolism of Jeshus Life
3.5 The Rich Young Man
3.6 The Symbolic Meaning of the Christian Festivals
3.7 Christmas
3.8 Easter
3.9 Gnostic Sayings Attributed to Jeshu and Christos
3.10 No Avatar Ever Testified to Himself
3.11 "I" Is a Symbol
3.12 "Resist Not Evil"
3.13 "Thy Will Be Done"
3.14 "Faith"
3.15 "The Kingdom of God"
3.16 "Unto Everyone That Hath Shall Be Given"
3.17 ”Love God,” ”Love Thy Neighbour”
3.18 Other Alleged Sayings by Jeshu and Christos
3.19 Some Gnostic Symbols: "Christos"
3.20 The Symbol of the "Father"
3.21 Symbolism for the Triads and Higher Worlds
3.22 The Symbol of Crucifixion
3.23 "Born Again", "Salvation", the "Path through the Needles Eye"
3.24 Sin
3.25 ”The Dweller on the Threshold”
3.26 Judgement Day, the Devil, the Sacrifice of Atonement, the Sword
3.27 ”The Word,” Symbolic Numbers4.1 Introduction
4.2 From the Fourth to the Fifth Natural Kingdom
4.3 The Stage of Humanity
4.4 Seekers
4.5 The Aspirant to Discipleship
4.6 The Disciple
4.7 Disciples Unaware of their Status
4.8 Discipleship as Group Life
4.9 Initiation
4.10 Esoteric Teachers
4.11 Realizations Necessary for Discipleship
4.12 General Conditions for Discipleship
4.13 The Ability to Be Silent
4.14 Self-Criticism
4.15 The Serving Attitude
4.16 The Sense of Proportion
4.17 Mental Sovereignty
4.18 Control of Consciousness
4.19 The Twelve Essential Qualities
4.20 Abilities to be Acquired by the Accepted Disciple
4.21 The Self-Determination of the Disciple
4.22 The Disciple as a Worker
4.23 Hindrances to Discipleship
4.24 Occult Curiosity
4.25 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Everything Develops
5.3 The Seven Parallel Evolutions and Hierarchies
5.4 A Perfect Organization
5.5 The Consciousness of the Planetary Hierarchy
5.6 The Planetary Government
5.7 The Planetary Hierarchy in the Past
5.8 The Tasks of the Planetary Hierarchy
5.9 The Plan
5.10 Living in Mankind is for Them a True Sacrifice
5.11 Esoteric Personalities
5.12 Buddha and Christos
5.13 The Secretary of the Hierarchy, 45-Self D.K.
5.14 The Ignorance of the Existence of the Hierarchy
5.15 Shall We Speak or Be Silent about the Hierarchy?
5.16 The Reappearance of the Planetary Hierarchy
5.17 Seekers
5.18 Discipleship
5.19 We Do Not Receive More Knowledge Than We Need
5.20 The Seventh Department and the Aquarian Epoch
5.21 The Planetary Hierarchy Does Not Claim Omniscience
5.22 The Immense Distance
5.23 How the Planetary Hierarchy Looks on Reality
5.24 The Planetary Hierarchy and Mankind
6.1 Identification and Liberation
6.2 Sacrifice and Liberation
6.3 The Latent Level and Liberation
6.4 The Liberation of Mankind
6.5 Liberation and Discipleship
6.6 The Work for Liberation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Stages of Development
7.3 Do We Learn for Life?
7.4 The Neglected Knowledge of Life
7.5 Purpose and Methods of Upbringing
7.6 Bringing up Children
7.7 Purpose and Methods of School Education
7.8 The Teacher
7.9 Conditions for Higher Education
7.10 Choosing a Profession
7.11 Memorization versus Judgement Training
7.12 Robot Thinking
7.13 Deduction
7.14 Unnecessary School Subjects
7.15 Laurency as an Educator
7.16 Latent Esotericians
7.17 The Reformation of the School
7.18 The Education of the Future
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Problem of Right
8.3 The Bases of Right
8.4 Individual Integrity
8.5 Good and Evil
8.6 Relativism of Right
8.7 The Ruling Chaos of Right
8.8 Morality and Moralism
8.9 Satanism
8.10 Knowing Man
8.11 The Middle Path
8.12 Common Sense and Balance
8.13 Ideals
8.14 Character
8.15 Education of Right
8.16 The Twelve Essential QualitiesLAWS OF LIFE
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Different Kinds of Laws
9.3 Finality in Existence
9.4 The Absolute Validity of Law
9.5 Everything is Expressive of Law
9.6 The Meaning of Life
9.7 Mans Ignorance of the Law
9.8 The Knowledge of the Law
9.9 The Law and Evolution
9.10 Life Is Struggle
9.11 Law and Responsibility
9.12 Everything Has Its Price
9.13 Trust in the Law
9.14 The Law and Divine Omnipotence
9.15 The Law and the Kingdoms of UnityTHE LAW OF FREEDOM
9.16 Introduction
9.17 The Inviolability of the Individual
9.18 Free-Will
9.19 Freedom Must Be Acquired
9.20 The Limits to Freedom
9.21 Mankind Cannot Understand Freedom
9.22 Tolerance
9.23 Ideals
9.24 EqualityTHE LAW OF UNITY
9.25 All Life Is a Unity
9.26 The Will to Unity
9.27 Attraction
9.28 Service
9.29 Love
9.30 Forgiveness and Understanding
9.32 Introduction
9.33 The Stages of Development
9.34 The Development of Mankind
9.35 Development and Self-Realization
9.36 Development and Attraction
9.37 The Superhuman KingdomsTHE LAW OF SELF
9.38 Self-Realization
9.39 The Self and Its Envelopes
9.40 Understanding and Realization
9.41 The Realization of Unity
9.42 Service
9.43 Suffering and Happiness
9.44 Self-Knowledge (and Self-Blindness)
9.45 Qualities
9.46 Trust in Life, Trust in Self, Trust in Law
9.47 Self-Determination
9.48 Invulnerability
9.49 Mistakes
9.50 Missed Opportunities
9.51 The Art of Living
9.53 The Law of Destiny
9.54 Guidance
9.55 Predestination
9.56 Knowledge and ResponsibilityTHE LAW OF REAPING
9.57 The Law of Reaping
9.58 Fictions about the Law of Reaping
9.59 The Law of Reaping and the Ignorance of Life
9.60 The Law of Reaping and Repulsion
9.61 The Factors of Reaping
9.62 Collective Sowing and Reaping
9.63 Good Sowing and Reaping
9.64 Bad Sowing and Reaping
9.65 Suffering
9.66 Responsibility
9.68 The Activation of Consciousness
9.69 Passivity
9.70 Control of Consciousness
9.71 The Method of Activation
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